Tantalizing Eggnog Recipes Multiplied Burst with Brain-benefits

Children and adults may find these healthy eggnog recipes multiplied relieve symptoms of depression, ADHD, hypertension, and even mental diseases. Even more significantly, actual causes of these maladies may be eased or eliminated.

Want to Egg-spand your culinary pleasure? "Eggnog—Not Just For Christmas Anymore!" will eggs-ceed your egg-spectations! Eggnog lore, recipes galore. Buy Ebook Now for Only $9.95!

"Excellent!" Erik H., Iowa

"Searching for the right recipe can be overwhelming. Mark breaks down eggnog recipes for you with his helpful monthly suggestions! If you are like me, and still crave eggnog after the holidays, the "January " section is a great place to start!" Selina P, Minnesota

"In the past, it has always been really difficult to find non-alcoholic eggnog recipes for guys like me. No longer--that's why I love 'Eggnog--Not Just For Christmas Anymore!'" John A, United States Army

Sometimes we think it's got to taste like cod liver oil to be healthy. No way. Not with eggnog recipes!

How can something so tasty be so healthy? Here's the good news. Food scientists have discovered something called DHA in eggs. It's in all eggs, but most abundantly in pastured poultry eggs. DHA is an essential fatty acid (EFA) that affects cell membranes throughout our entire bodies. Never mind why it's called "fatty" or "acid". But do remember that DHA is "essential". It's essential and it must come from the foods we eat because our bodies can't manufacture it. If we don't get enough of it through food, our bodies can't function properly.

DHA is particularly important for our brains. You see, fat cells comprise about 40% of our "noggins"! (Maybe that's why egg "nogs" help our “noggins”.) Anyway, DHA--this essential fatty acid--helps our brains function effectively.

Love your kids? Want them to succeed in school? Of course we do. Teach them to make these super-healthy eggnog recipes multiplied!

Eggnog and Ale

This eggnog recipe may cure what “ales” you.

6 eggs separated
¾ cup ginger ale
6 tablespoons sugar
1 pint heavy cream

Beat egg yolks well. Beat in ginger ale a little at a time. Beat egg whites, adding sugar. Fold whites into yolk mixture, and then fold in cream.

Serves well to make 8 people happy!

Choco-Mint Fluff

1 quart cold grassfed milk
5 pastured poultry eggs
1/2 cup chocolate syrup
1/4 cup heavy grassfed cream
1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract
2 Tblsp crushed peppermint candy
1/3 cup heavy grassfed cream, whipped

Combine grassfed milk, syrup, 1/4 cup grassfed cream, extract.

Beat well until blended.

Pour into 5 glasses.

Fold crushed peppermint candy into whipped grassfed cream; use to top each drink.

Serves 5.

Coffee Eggnog

1 egg, beaten
4 tsp instant coffee
2 Tbsp granulated sugar
Dash salt
2 cups cold grassfed milk
1/8 tsp vanilla extract

Combine beaten egg, coffee, sugar, salt; beat until coffee and sugar dissolve.

Add grassfed milk, vanilla; beat well.


Makes 2 servings.

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